node.js를 사용해서 LED와 같은 다양한 장치를 쉽게 제어할 수 있습니다.
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node.js 란? 🤷♂️
JavaScript 언어는 주로 어디에 사용될까요?? 웹프로그래밍에서 동적으로 움직이는 화면들에 사용됩니다. 그리고 새로고침이 되지 않았는데 동적으로 움직이는 텍스트들에도 사용됩니다. JavaScript도 하나의 프로..
soketio를 사용하는 방법도 있지만, 기본적인 방법을 우선 설명드리겠습니다.
3색 LED와 같은 경우 2가지가 있습니다. 커먼 캐소드 방식과 커먼 애노드 방식입니다. 각각 긴 단자를 gnd나 5v에 연결하시면 됩니다.
커먼캐소드 코드입니다.
var http = require('http').createServer(handler); //require http server, and create server with function handler()
var fs = require('fs'); //require filesystem module
var io = require('')(http) //require module and pass the http object (server)
var Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio, //include pigpio to interact with the GPIO
ledRed = new Gpio(4, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 4 as output for RED
ledGreen = new Gpio(17, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 17 as output for GREEN
ledBlue = new Gpio(27, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 27 as output for BLUE
redRGB = 0, //set starting value of RED variable to off (0 for common cathode)
greenRGB = 0, //set starting value of GREEN variable to off (0 for common cathode)
blueRGB = 0; //set starting value of BLUE variable to off (0 for common cathode)
ledRed.digitalWrite(0); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(0); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(0); // Turn BLUE LED off
http.listen(8080); //listen to port 8080
function handler (req, res) { //what to do on requests to port 8080
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/public/rgb.html', function(err, data) { //read file rgb.html in public folder
if (err) {
res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //display 404 on error
return res.end("404 Not Found");
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //write HTML
res.write(data); //write data from rgb.html
return res.end();
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {// Web Socket Connection
socket.on('rgbLed', function(data) { //get light switch status from client
console.log(data); //output data from WebSocket connection to console
//for common cathode RGB LED 0 is fully off, and 255 is fully on
ledRed.pwmWrite(redRGB); //set RED LED to specified value
ledGreen.pwmWrite(greenRGB); //set GREEN LED to specified value
ledBlue.pwmWrite(blueRGB); //set BLUE LED to specified value
process.on('SIGINT', function () { //on ctrl+c
ledRed.digitalWrite(0); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(0); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(0); // Turn BLUE LED off
process.exit(); //exit completely
커먼 애노드코드입니다.
var http = require('http').createServer(handler); //require http server, and create server with function handler()
var fs = require('fs'); //require filesystem module
var io = require('')(http) //require module and pass the http object (server)
var Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio, //include pigpio to interact with the GPIO
ledRed = new Gpio(4, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 4 as output for RED
ledGreen = new Gpio(17, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 17 as output for GREEN
ledBlue = new Gpio(27, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 27 as output for BLUE
redRGB = 255, //set starting value of RED variable to off (255 for common anode)
greenRGB = 255, //set starting value of GREEN variable to off (255 for common anode)
blueRGB = 255; //set starting value of BLUE variable to off (255 for common anode)
ledRed.digitalWrite(1); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(1); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(1); // Turn BLUE LED off
http.listen(8080); //listen to port 8080
function handler (req, res) { //what to do on requests to port 8080
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/public/rgb.html', function(err, data) { //read file rgb.html in public folder
if (err) {
res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //display 404 on error
return res.end("404 Not Found");
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //write HTML
res.write(data); //write data from rgb.html
return res.end();
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {// Web Socket Connection
socket.on('rgbLed', function(data) { //get light switch status from client
console.log(data); //output data from WebSocket connection to console
//for common anode RGB LED 255 is fully off, and 0 is fully on, so we have to change the value from the client
console.log("rbg: " + redRGB + ", " + greenRGB + ", " + blueRGB); //output converted to console
ledRed.pwmWrite(redRGB); //set RED LED to specified value
ledGreen.pwmWrite(greenRGB); //set GREEN LED to specified value
ledBlue.pwmWrite(blueRGB); //set BLUE LED to specified value
process.on('SIGINT', function () { //on ctrl+c
ledRed.digitalWrite(1); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(1); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(1); // Turn BLUE LED off
process.exit(); //exit completely
write함수의 사용법이 조금 다른 것이 특징입니다.
아래 링크에 더욱 자세하게 설명되어있으니 참고하시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
화이팅 :)
Node.js Raspberry Pi RGB LED and WebSocket
Node.js Raspberry Pi RGB LED with WebSocket Using Pulse-Width Modulation In the previous chapters we have learned how to use WebSocket, and how to use GPIO to turn LEDs on and off. In this we will use chapter we use a RGB LED, with PWM (Pulse-width modulat
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